“A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.”
Antoine Saint Exupery
Founded in 1989 ,PEDRAVIVA began its natural stone processing business as a small family business, mainly working the stones of the region for the local market. Since then its growth and its gradual development were supported by quality, professionalism and customer satisfaction.
Currently has an accumulated know-how over the years.
Pedraviva works with world wide stones to the whole world .
Situated next to the massive limestone in the center of Portugal, PEDRAVIVA easily has access to a wide range of Portuguese limestones such as Moca-Cream, Blue Valverde, or Moleanos
Pedraviva mission is the transformation of natural stone. Respecting the requirements of the market, Pedraviva cooperates in finding solutions, using its know-how and taking advantage of the flexibility of their infrastructure, working various projects, with maximum professionalism and quality.
Pedraviva plans to be a reference company in the sector, having as objectives the increase of its turnover and expansion of its markets, supporting the growth always based on the satisfaction of its customers, increased production efficiency and management of company.
Pedraviva defends values such as respect for the fulfillment of their commitments, for people and the environment, always looking for the total customer satisfaction.